Cómo funcionan los productos en Shopify
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Migrating from Vend
Simplified POS Product CSV
Simplified POS Product CSV
On this page, you will learn how to edit your product data spreadsheet before you import it into Shopify. The process described below focuses on data migration from other POS systems, and only includes information on migrating commonly used data fields found in other POS platforms.
Following these steps will help you transform the exported Product CSV from your current system into a file that can be imported into Shopify:
- Start by filling out the Data Form below to select which fields you would like to import from your CSV. Having your CSV file open while doing this will help you determine what is needed.
- Delete all columns that have unneeded data. (example)
- Use the “Selected Data” section to replace your existing CSV headers. Find the Shopify Header required for each corresponding type of data, and click it to copy the text to your clipboard. (example)
Review the “Defaulted Data" fields section below. If these column headers are missing from your CSV file, Shopify will set default values for the noted field when you upload your file.
- If there are any default values listed in this section that you would like to change, add the Shopify Header for that Data Type to your CSV in a new column, and use the Accepted Values listed on this page as a guide when filling out the new column.
- (Optional) Read the "Unused Optional Data" section to learn about additional fields that exist in Shopify. You can add these headers to your CSV to import products with additional data, or add information for these fields later in Shopify Admin after your import is complete.
Do you want to see how each step is done? View the video above!
Data Form:
Please select which fields appear on your currenct CSV file that you would like to import into Shopify: |
Selected Data: Any selected fields from your Data Form above will appear in this section. |
Data type: Product name Shopify header: TitleThis is the name of your product. The Title header is the only required field to import your CSV file. If this header is missing, the CSV will not be accepted. Example accepted values: Each product should have a unique name, and Shopify will consider any additional occurrences of the same product name a "duplicate". Shopify will not import multiple duplicate products sharing the same name. The only time you should have multiple lines sharing the same product name is when you have a product with multiple options. You can learn more about formatting product options under the Option headers description. |
Data type: Price Shopify header: Variant PriceThe retail selling price of your product. If there is a currency symbol appearing in your values, our system will ignore the currency symbol and will only import the numerical value. Example accepted values: Default value if missing: |
Data type: Track Inventory (on/off) Shopify header: Variant Inventory TrackerEnable inventory tracking on your product. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: In most cases, you will want to add the Variant Inventory Tracker header to your file and put the shopify value for every product line. |
Data type: Brand / Vendor Shopify header: VendorThe name of the brand or vendor of your product. You can choose to use this information internally only, or display it on your customers as well. The value must be at least 2 characters in length. Example accepted values: Default value if missing: |
Data type: Publish to online (on/off) Shopify header: PublishedPublish your product to your online channel, and allow customers to find the item on your ecommerce website after importing. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: If your products are not ready for online sales (ex. product does not have a descritpion to display online, or no photos) then it is suggested to add the Published header to your file and put the FALSE value for every product line. As a note, there is no field to publish the product to the POS channel after import. Please use view the Tags header to learn about using Tags to organize your products instead. |
Data type: Taxable / No Tax Shopify header: Variant TaxableCharge taxes on product, or disable taxes being charged on the sale of the product. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: If you have products with special tax rules (ex. reduced tax fee for certain product types) then you will put a value of TRUE for the product, and apply a Tax Override on the product in your settings. |
Data type: Product options Shopify header: Option1 Name & Option1 Value,Option2 Name & Option2 Value, Option3 Name & Option3 Value Enable variant options for your products, such as size and color. To add product options to a product, please make sure that the Title is the same for each line, and fill out the needed "Option Name" and "Option Value" fields (up to a maximum of 3 different options per product). Example accepted values:
Default value if missing: A parent product can only have up to 100 variant option combinations. If you have more than 100 variant combinations for a parent product, that product will not be uploaded. |
Data type: SKU Shopify header: Variant SKUAn SKU is an optional field that can help you identify your products with a unique code or naming convention. The SKU Code can help you with tasks such as inventory management by allowing you to find and identify products without needing to use the full name of the product. Example accepted values: To learn more about the benefits of using SKU codes, please view our best practices video here. |
Data type: Barcode / UPC Shopify header: Variant BarcodeThe Barcode / UPC is an optional field, but if you want to scan your products' existing barcode labels on the POS to add them to the cart, you must import this data to do so. Barcodes should be between 3-39 digits long, and can be alpha-numeric. Example accepted values: It is important to make sure the Barcode / UPC code you are importing is an exact match to how your code is scanned. Some systems may encrypt your Barcode data on your export or on your physical label. To learn how to check your Barcodes and make sure they work in Shopify, please view our best practices video here. |
Data type: Quantity count Shopify header: Variant Inventory QtyIndicates the current quantity of your product. Only whole numbers are accepted. This field cannot be used if you have more than 1 location in your Shopify settings. If you have multiple locations in your Shopify settings, the column and it's values are ignored when imported. All products will be imported with a starting quantity of 0 instead. Please visit our FAQ page after you've imported your products to learn how to update your quantity counts for multiple locations. |
Data type: Category / Type Shopify header: TypeThis is an optional field that will put your product into a category for organizational purposes. The use of Product Types can be customer facing purposes and/or for internal purposes. Example accepted values: Each product can only have one Product Type. If you have more granular categorization or sub-categories, please use the Tags header to further organize your products. |
Data type: Cost of goods Shopify header: Cost per itemThis is an optional field that will track the business cost of your product. If there is a currency symbol appearing in your values, our system will ignore the currency symbol and will only import the numerical value. Example accepted values: |
Data type: Tags Shopify header: It is optional to add Tags to your products, however Tags can help you organize your products for many things such as setting product sub-categories, applying special tax rules, and setting channel availability. You can add multiple tags by separating each tag with a comma. Example accepted values: View how you can perform bulk actions to your Tagged products in this video. |
Data type: Image Shopify header: Image SrcThe CSV must contain a URL web address for the image to be imported. If you do not have a URL for your image, you can add your image photos in Shopify Admin after your import is complete. You can add multiple tags by separating each tag with a comma. Example accepted value: Shopify will save a copy of any successfully uploaded images in your store. This will allow the image to be used even if the original URL is deleted. |
Data type: Description Shopify header: Body (HTML)The contents of this field will display on the Online Store for the Product. The field can be left blank, showing no description for the product when viewed online. You can upload regular text in this field, and also accepts HTML code if you have formatted and styled your text with code already. Example accepted values: Any plain or regular text can be styled using our Rich Text Editor after the import is completed. |
Defaulted Data: If these column headers are missing from your CSV file, Shopify will set default values for the noted field when you upload your file. If the noted default value does not suit your needs, add the Shopify header in a new column on your file and insert the needed value for each product line. |
Data type: Price Shopify header: Variant PriceThe retail selling price of your product. If there is a currency symbol appearing in your values, our system will ignore the currency symbol and will only import the numerical value. Example accepted values: Default value if missing: |
Data type: Track Inventory (on/off) Shopify header: Variant Inventory TrackerEnable inventory tracking on your product. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: In most cases, you will want to add the Variant Inventory Tracker header to your file and put the shopify value for every product line. |
Data type: Brand / Vendor Shopify header: VendorThe name of the brand or vendor of your product. You can choose to use this information internally only, or display it on your customers as well. The value must be at least 2 characters in length. Example accepted values: Default value if missing: |
Data type: Publish to online (on/off) Shopify header: PublishedPublish your product to your online channel, and allow customers to find the item on your ecommerce website after importing. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: If your products are not ready for online sales (ex. product does not have a descritpion to display online, or no photos) then it is suggested to add the Published header to your file and put the FALSE value for every product line. As a note, there is no field to publish the product to the POS channel after import. Please use view the Tags header to learn about using Tags to organize your products instead. |
Data type: Taxable / No Tax Shopify header: Variant TaxableCharge taxes on product, or disable taxes being charged on the sale of the product. Accepted values (strict): Default value if missing: If you have products with special tax rules (ex. reduced tax fee for certain product types) then you will put a value of TRUE for the product, and apply a Tax Override on the product in your settings. |
Unused Optional Data: These fields are optional and Shopify will not set a default value for these fields if they are left blank. You can add values to these fields in Shopify Admin after your import if you do not want to arrange the data in your CSV file. |
Data type: Product options Shopify header: Option1 Name & Option1 Value,Option2 Name & Option2 Value, Option3 Name & Option3 Value Enable variant options for your products, such as size and color. To add product options to a product, please make sure that the Title is the same for each line, and fill out the needed "Option Name" and "Option Value" fields (up to a maximum of 3 different options per product). Example accepted values:
Default value if missing: A parent product can only have up to 100 variant option combinations. If you have more than 100 variant combinations for a parent product, that product will not be uploaded. |
Data type: SKU Shopify header: Variant SKUAn SKU is an optional field that can help you identify your products with a unique code or naming convention. The SKU Code can help you with tasks such as inventory management by allowing you to find and identify products without needing to use the full name of the product. Example accepted values: To learn more about the benefits of using SKU codes, please view our best practices video here. |
Data type: Barcode / UPC Shopify header: Variant BarcodeThe Barcode / UPC is an optional field, but if you want to scan your products' existing barcode labels on the POS to add them to the cart, you must import this data to do so. Barcodes should be between 3-39 digits long, and can be alpha-numeric. Example accepted values: It is important to make sure the Barcode / UPC code you are importing is an exact match to how your code is scanned. Some systems may encrypt your Barcode data on your export or on your physical label. To learn how to check your Barcodes and make sure they work in Shopify, please view our best practices video here. |
Data type: Quantity count Shopify header: Variant Inventory QtyIndicates the current quantity of your product. Only whole numbers are accepted. This field cannot be used if you have more than 1 location in your Shopify settings. If you have multiple locations in your Shopify settings, the column and it's values are ignored when imported. All products will be imported with a starting quantity of 0 instead. Please visit our FAQ page after you've imported your products to learn how to update your quantity counts for multiple locations. |
Data type: Category / Type Shopify header: TypeThis is an optional field that will put your product into a category for organizational purposes. The use of Product Types can be customer facing purposes and/or for internal purposes. Example accepted values: Each product can only have one Product Type. If you have more granular categorization or sub-categories, please use the Tags header to further organize your products. |
Data type: Cost of goods Shopify header: Cost per itemThis is an optional field that will track the business cost of your product. If there is a currency symbol appearing in your values, our system will ignore the currency symbol and will only import the numerical value. Example accepted values: |
Data type: Tags Shopify header: It is optional to add Tags to your products, however Tags can help you organize your products for many things such as setting product sub-categories, applying special tax rules, and setting channel availability. You can add multiple tags by separating each tag with a comma. Example accepted values: View how you can perform bulk actions to your Tagged products in this video. |
Data type: Image Shopify header: Image SrcThe CSV must contain a URL web address for the image to be imported. If you do not have a URL for your image, you can add your image photos in Shopify Admin after your import is complete. You can add multiple tags by separating each tag with a comma. Example accepted value: Shopify will save a copy of any successfully uploaded images in your store. This will allow the image to be used even if the original URL is deleted. |
Data type: Description Shopify header: Body (HTML)The contents of this field will display on the Online Store for the Product. The field can be left blank, showing no description for the product when viewed online. You can upload regular text in this field, and also accepts HTML code if you have formatted and styled your text with code already. Example accepted values: Any plain or regular text can be styled using our Rich Text Editor after the import is completed. |
Additional information:
The only required field is the "Title" field, and this column should hold your Product Names.
Although this is the only required field, you should take the time to add the appropriate Shopify header to any columns that hold needed data because our system will skip over any columns if it does not have the right Shopify header at the top.
Yes, there are additional fields that are not listed here. The fields ommitted from this page will typically be used in Ecommerce system CSV files, so we have left them missing from this page since this tool is meant to be used for CSV files coming from POS systems.
To see a list of all Shopify CSV fields, please visit this page.
Header copied to clipboard